Friday, July 5, 2013


I’ve grown to hate certain applications.   Java is one of them.  Sure, it’s supposed to be a super portable framework that works “everywhere” and “just works”, but it doesn’t.  So I have to keep two installers of Java on my computer at all times.   One to install Java 6, rev 18.  And one for Java 7.  Verifone SMS doesn’t play nicely with Java 7, and 6 rev 18 is their recommended version.   But the install I have didn’t include the JRE, and that’s necessary to run the web-based remote access software.

Hooray for me. 

So, I have to use one version for certain things, and another for different things.  And I only use one laptop.   Isn’t it all just grand?

I watched The Avengers  last night.  It was awesome.  It got me to thinking this morning…  It’s probably the line of thinking that gets me in trouble, but anyways…. 

The thinking is thus…   “If I were a billionaire, what would I do with my life?”  And then the brain starts racing, going through the various possibilities of what my life would be like and what I’d spend my time doing. 

The next train of thought is “Okay, I don’t have that kind of money.   So what would I do that essentially doesn’t cost anything?”  And then I started thinking about that thought.   And it made me realize…  if that’s what I’d do if money weren’t an issue, then why aren’t I doing it now?   Secondly, what progress could I make towards that stated goal?

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