Monday, January 14, 2013

iPhone 5

Ok...  so I no longer have a Droid.  I've now joined the Apple contingent with my iPhone 5.  I think that's what it is.  It's shiny.  It's fancy.  It was in an Otterbox before I had a chance to touch it.  I'm not sure what to think about it.  Let me be clear: I didn't buy the thing.  Every two years or so, my company changes phones.  I started out with a Blackberry, then I moved to a Droid.  Now I have an iPhone 5. 

I'm not sure what I think about it.  App wise, the iPhone has a better assortment and better integration with Microsoft Exchange Server than the Droid had.  I wrote something about task orientation versus time orientation.  During that post, I extolled the Droid for being a collection of applications that didn't fit very well together.  Microsoft Outlook 2010 has a lot more to do than just send and receive mail.  It has a calendar and task features.  I used to use the calendar extensively to plan my day, but that didn't work very well because my job is interrupt driven, not time driven.  I can try and plan things to happen at a certain time.  But rarely does it work that way. 

So I wanted to migrate to task driven days as opposed to time driven days.  That works better for me because if something breaks, my task list is still there to tell me what to do.  With time driven, if the even gets more than a couple of hours behind schedule it was a pain to find what I was supposed to do.  With the task list, I just map everything out and check them off as I finish them.  And if I get interrupted, I go about my day and eventually finish what was broken and get back to my list.

Now, I do have to say that most of the stuff you need for the iPhone is built directly into the iPhone.  With the Android platform, there wasn't much built in so you had to go hunting apps down the instant you get the phone.  The iPhone is a standalone platform without anything being added.  That's good in some aspects, and sucks in others.

I still don't like the way iTunes works, though.  Getting music on the iPhone is quite possibly the biggest headache I have to deal with.  And I listen to music a lot.  The other big complaint is the battery life generally sucks.  If I'm listening to music through my bluetooth headset, a Plantronics M50   Plantronics 85550-01 M50-85550-01 Bluetooth Headset (Google Affiliate Ad)then I generally have to charge the iPhone at lunch if I expect it to make it through the day.  Which is kind of annoying.  But so far, everything else works pretty well. 

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