Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday afternoon randomness

Been a bit, but I'd thought I'd write a Friday afternoon something or other.  It is Friday after all.

Apparently I become a colossal jerk when I work too much and don't get enough sleep.  As a compromise with my wife, I no longer wake up at 5:45 in the morning.  The studying time was awesome, but I was become a pretty worthless human being.  No point in being a worthless, humorless, human being.  So I quit that.

Tax time is here, but my tax return probably won't be much of anything.  You see, I've figured out pretty close to what I need to set my yearly deductions at so I get to spend my money now as opposed to next year.  See, why do I want to give a government that doesn't handle money well any more money than is absolutely necessary?  Would you give a drunk alcoholic a beer?  No.  Then why would you want to give a government more of your money than is necessary?  It is YOUR money after all.  And they don't even pay you back in interest.

I started testing using the Pearson IT Certification Practice Test for the CCENT yesterday.  There were around 50 questions, and at question 43 I decided to figure out how to use the notes feature.  Then I found out you couldn't copy/paste, so I accidentally closed the entire program.  Made me rather mad.  I won't be using the notes feature any more.

I don't pay near as much attention to politics as I used to no, or news for that matter.  I spent about 5 minutes looking at and and didn't see anything of interest.  Just lots of fluff and congratulatory pieces.  The kind of thing that distracts the attention like a shiny object but has no real substance.   So I didn't miss anything. 

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