Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today (written about yesterday)

I almost didn't make it today.  I've been waking up faithfully at 5:45 AM to study for the CCENT.  I only have three chapters to go to make it through the entire book, and then its study and test, study and test for a few weeks before taking the actual test.  But this morning I didn't want to get up.  I got up, walked into the kitchen to turn off the alarm, and walked back to bed. 

And a part of my brain started screaming.  It said something like this, or maybe it was other motivational things.

What did you just do?  You got out of bed to turn off the alarm, set another alarm for an hour later, and you've walked all the way back to lay down. 

But I'm tired.

Wah.  Go cry to someone else.  Do you like what you've been getting?  Because if you do, rolling over and going back to sleep is great.  But I know you don't.  So get your lazy butt out of bed and go study.  If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're going to keep getting what you've been getting. 

But I'm tired.

And somewhere in all that, I got out of bed again, roughly ten minutes after I was supposed to.  So I got up, and I studied.  And I finished with chapter 21 and started chapter 22, two days ahead of schedule.  Maybe taking the CCENT in late February is a little late.  I might be able to move it up to early February or late January.  Why?  Because I finally got the part of my brain that advocates for me to wake up.  That tiny little piece of motivation that everyone is out screaming to find.  I finally beat mine into submission and got him speaking the correct language at the correct time.  It only took a good six or seven months. 

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