Monday, August 19, 2013


Feeling down, and I can’t explain why.  Perhaps putting it all on paper or whatever this happens to be will help.  Probably not.  No sense in not trying.

The big problem with me seems to be a complete and utter lack of progress in what I desire and want to accomplish.  I feel like I’ve given up almost everything and I’ve made it nowhere.  I’ve made it to the top at work, and it’s all boring.  I have to teach myself everything, because I’ve passed everyone else in most of what I do.  There are few things to learn here or there, but the 80% is accomplished in everything.   Now it’s just a matter of refinement.   That bores me.  The process of getting from 80% to 90% will take as long as going from 0% to 80%. 

So what to do when nothing seems to be going where you want to go?   Normally my thought would be to go hunting through the Bible for some motivation, and that’s probably what I should do.  But it’s not what I’m going to do now.  What I’m going to do now is refocus on what got me here in the first place.  Not to depression…  To success.   Because what took me here will take me where I want to go.

I’ve just got to go find some motivation. 

Yup.  Think I found it. 

Moving on…    

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