Monday, August 26, 2013

Showing Up.

I think we spend too much time watching movies.  In the movies, a lot of time is spent on quick cuts and training montages that take a daily accumulation of effort and cram it down into several minutes.  What the mind sees, it believes.  So although a part of our mind realizes the training montage took weeks or months, it was broken down into seconds.  So the mind believes it only took seconds.  So we get this… mental idea that all things should happen in one grand event.  And that’s wrong. 

It’s not a grand montage or some sort of event.  It’s the steady accumulation of small events on a daily basis.  It’s not that a person was perfect every day, it’s that a person showed up and put in an effort every single day.  That accumulation of days caused success. 

The concept is so contrary to our culture that it’s hard to believe idea like that still exists, but fundamental truths are hard to get rid of.  Mostly because they are the truth.  And you can’t get rid of the truth, no matter how hard you try. 

So, next time you decide to start something realize this: you don’t have to be great every single day.   You just have to show up every single day.   And that in itself is also complicated.  But doable. 

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