Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Getting Back on the Horse

After my half a day ride to the dumps yesterday, it’s time to get myself back in the game.   Yup.  Time to get going. 

Let’s state the problem in the proper manner:  I don’t feel like I’ve been making progress in what I want to do.  If I go look at my task list I find that it is mostly empty.   I have no to-do list.  I have no sense of progress because I have no manner in which to gauge my progress. So that’s first on the list.

But what do I need to fill my task list with?   There’s the real question.

I can’t remember where I read it, so I’ll paraphrase here what I’ve learned. 

A salesman went for help because he had been stuck at the same sales point for years.  He wanted to do better, and had always had a goal of making $100,000.  The person he talked to knew cold calling was part of sales.  So instead of having a goal of “making money”, the guy started a different goal.   The goal was to make 10 cold calls a week.   As the story went, he had surpassed his goal in less than half a year, and was on track to hit $200,000. 

So fill the task list with action steps that lead towards the goal.  If your goal is to lose weight, then your daily task list might be filled with “run 2 miles today” five days a week.   That might do it.  It might not.   It’ll certainly get you closer than whining about your problems.  Because no one likes a whiner.   If your goal is be an author, then write for thirty minutes every stinking day.   As the saying goes “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.”

I’ve wanted to keep up better with my blog, so I think that’s going to go in my list as well.  No one seems to read it, but screw it.   It’s a place for my thoughts.   And it’s something to do.

The combination of Exchange server and an iPhone provide me with all that I need to succeed at this.   Now all I have to do is get back on the horse, quit whining, and get moving.  Success is there for the taking.  

Found this on the wall at a small business I visited.  I think it will be my motivation today.

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