Friday, February 1, 2013

A Week

It's been a week.  Statement of fact.

Not sure where to go from there.  There is work to be done, and ideas pounding in my head.  Not sure where they want to go, but they are pounding away.  I think the creation desire is back again.  I'm not sure for how long, but it is back.  I think I've talked about it before, but then it was all about finding motivation.  Now, it's just an unresolved longing.  What can you do?  The mind races and screams to go and create and produce, and the body jumps from subject to subject, unfocused.  Finding focus is the hard part.  The want and need to create are difficult, but they are there.

You see, there are two worlds floating in my head.  One is old and dead... many thousands of years ago in comparison to the current state.  If I was to put a time frame on this world, it would be before the flood of Noah.  In this world, there are all sorts of magical creatures and beings.  Giants, ogres, unicorns...  tales of bad people doing bad things abound. 

The other place floating in my head is a few weeks after tomorrow.  It's just as vague and strange, and fanciful things roam the land.  Except this time, it's all technology.  The people are still the same and the horrors still exist... but now they are masked and hidden.  The thieves don't carry swords anymore.  They carry pistols and the kings' gold isn't gold anymore.  It's data.  It's a different and just as fanciful world...  But it's still the same. 

I know these worlds will eventually reach some sort of medium, be it book, comic, or video game.  I've already started on the first, but it doesn't go very far: just a forest with some snow.  Perhaps I should return to the forest and flesh out the world. 

The other thing I've been contemplating is this piece from Penny-Arcade.  One of my neighbors watches the Big Bang Theory.  I couldn't get into it, but I never understood why.  I guess the point is that Big Bang Theory was written by the jocks in high school about the nerds.  It's no fun being the punch line...  doesn't matter if you're 15 or 35. 

See, that's the real problem with nerds like me.  We want to drag the rest of the world into our technological wonder and it see it the way we do.  But they never will.  They will show up and "not be us" no matter how hard we try.  See, there's a fundamental fact: you can't control other people.  You can influence them.  You can educate them.  You can do your best to get them to see things your way.  But you can't control them.  And part of their nature is to do things differently than us. 

I occasionally have a side job as a DJ.  I generally handle the lighting portion for a buddy of mine.  He's got the musical knowledge and talent to hook kids and them dancing and enjoying life.  It's the kind of thing that makes for a good elementary/junior high dance.  We've done an adult dance, but those are generally separated by hours of platitudes and copious amounts of beer.  Even then, it's different. 

During those elementary school dances, I see posters advertising the school as being a "bully free zone".  And that's fucking hilarious.  I try to avoid using such language, but sometimes it's necessary.  See, kids aren't as smart or crafty as adults that pay attention.  They think they are getting away and being slick because it's dark and everyone is drowned out and not paying attention.  Too busy being lost in the moment.  But me...  I have a tendency to see a lot.  I'm not sure if others see these things or not.  I'm not going to act like a super hero with super powers.  It's just that you can see the thugs and bullies in a school setting easily if you know what to look for.  And they're everywhere.

So that's why the "bully free zone" idea is hilarious.  You can't control people.  Scumbags are going to be scumbags, no matter what sign you put up.  Call it a natural order, call it what you will.  It's just an observation.

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