Monday, November 18, 2013

An Overview

So, I’m not on call this week, so we’ll see how updates go.  Read day two of Mega Memory.  I have to say following the book and doing the exercises so far seems to be helping.  Is it a dramatic improvement?  Not yet.  But right now, I am in the baby steps.

Speaking of time poverty, this is the first weekend we haven’t had to go to the Laundromat to wash clothes.  As such, we’ve washed more clothes and got more done today than we have in a while.  I might actually get my wish of staying home one day of the weekend because we don’t have to go anywhere.  I generally exempt church, but we didn’t go this week because my daughter is currently sick.  Last thing I want is to get everyone else at church sick.  I know I’ve been rather annoyed at parents who bring sick kids to church.  But I digress.

The real reason I missed doing my studying Friday morning was that I needed to make sure my budget was in place for this week, and that generally takes a bit of time.  So I spent Friday morning making sure everything was where it should be for the coming week.  It takes time to plot out the budget for a week, but it is well worth it.

I’ve been paying off one of my student loans, and I finished it off this week.  I have never consolidated my student loans, so I may have $18,000 in student loans, but it’s broken into smaller chunks that can be paid on separately.  So I checked Friday morning and found the one I most paid off had .46 cents left on it.  So yay!  One student loan paid off.  The next debt I’ve estimated to pay off in 9 more weeks, so that will be a grand total of $30 per month saved between the two debts.  And that’s $30 per month thrown on top of the next smallest debt.  And eventually, the snow ball will roll. 

Strangely, after examining the Mega Mind book, I now have a mental image of a giant snow ball, rolling down the hill.  On top the snow ball is a cowboy, hooting and hollering and whipping the snow ball, trying to get it to go faster.  Humorous.

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