Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lost Files

I wrote a countdown timer in C# over the last few days.  It’s the beginning of something much grander, though I doubt it will ever reach what I want it to become.  That’s another story.   In the process of changing the name on a menu strip, I broke the whole program.   Go me.  I guess I should have paid attention to the whole programming axiom that one should never rename items in a class-based design after you’ve messed with subsections.  I think I’m probably going to have to re-code the entire thing from scratch.  Maybe. 

I store my code in my DropBox folder so I don’t have the problem of losing the code.  I hate losing good code, and I’ve lost a lot of it throughout the years.  Just during that period, I had a couple of different thoughts.  The first was to check DropBox and look for previous versions stored somewhere there.  That didn’t work.   I then thought of something I did to fix some network drive files my boss lost.

In that situation, my boss got a virus and the system noticed and wiped his connection to the drive.  With that wipe, he lost everything he had stored there.  Well, he runs Windows 7 Pro, so the best method of recovery was right-click the folder, properties, previous versions, restore to the version created yesterday.  And it’s back up and running.   Granted, I’ve lost all the stuff I programmed today.  But that’s better than having to restore the entire thing from scratch.  I have to admit, Microsoft started getting better and better with Windows 7.

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