Friday, November 1, 2013

21st Century Virtual Boy

During my vacation, I stopped by my parents’ house and dug through the attic.  I found a lot of things from my youth.  One of those was a Nintendo Virtual Boy.  It’s mostly complete, but the eye guard was missing.  Once I finally made it back home, I bought some batteries and fired the sucker up.  Sure enough, it still worked.  Kind of.  The left lens is a bit flaky and there are some serious problems when trying to play the thing.  I bought a toaster on the same trip that got me the batteries, and I improvised a head cover to block out outside light with cardboard and electrical tape.  It’s ugly as sin, but functional.  I still think the thing is pretty cool after all these years.  Though flipping through eBay, I don’t think it’s worth trying to sell.  Sure, I could recover what I spent years ago for it, but that’s not the point.

The other thing I found was my old manga collection.  During one phase in my life, I collected lots and lots of Viz manga.  It’s been a while since I looked at what equates to a large size box of comic books.  Everything from Berserk to Rurouni Kenishin is represented, though nothing is anywhere near complete.  I even had a lot of Dragon Ball manga.   What impresses me more is Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Domu.  Akira is one of the best written comics I’ve ever read.  Still.   Very interesting.   There are probably more thoughts to go through, but I’ll deal with those later. 

Also interesting to note that after putting down my manga/anime phase, I’ve never picked it back up.  Such a distinct line in the sand, if I don’t say so myself. 

Edit:  Noticed I left the title still on the blog, and took it out.  No content adjusted.

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