Monday, November 4, 2013

Final Fantasy 7

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy 7 during my vacation.  It’s not the original Playstation version, as I don’t have a TV or a Playstation.  I picked up the Steam version when it was half price.  So $7 for the game isn’t half bad.

For a while, I was playing with my laptop keyboard, and that didn’t work all that well.  It was sufficient, but it didn’t feel very good or work well.  In cleaning out the hall closet, I found an old computer controller.  It’s a LogitechDual Action.  One of those.  Makes the game run a whole lot better and the controls actually work like they are supposed to. 

Windows 7 support is better than Windows XP support, as well.  I used to use this thing for some PC games (GTA San Andres, and a couple of others), but XP didn’t seem to support using every single button.  DirectX limitations I’m guessing that have since been fixed.  So you can use all the keys in the same game.  Yay!

Back to Final Fantasy 7.  So far, I’ve made it to the Junon area and picked up Yuffie.  Yuffie was an absolute pain to get to show up, and without a cheat guide, I think that would be one of the most overbearing question chains in the world.  But, I’m not proud or some sort of ridiculous completest.   So I just cheat when I need.

I think I’m growing to hate the quick time/button sequence events.  I hate them with a passion in a regular game, and they are even worse in an RPG.   I guess I see them as copouts for regular action and controls for the most part.  Indigo Prophecy was horrendous with them.  That game was basically walking and quick time events.  But quick time events in RPG?  Why?  I just don’t understand it.

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