Sunday, November 24, 2013

Status Update

Slightly busy the last few days.  Ok, so slightly is far beyond what was going on. The beta software still isn’t working, and I’m thinking I’ve pointed out something the software developers didn’t notice.  But then now is time to go back and figure out how to make the software work.  Which is a giant pain.  Especially since I have no idea if what I’m trying is going to work.

On top of that, we’ve got two sites that need built.  One is going fairly well, while the other hasn’t even been started.  I should finish up the first on Monday, so long as I figure out what is going wrong with the system.  Some of the complex stuff is fixed, I just have to deal with some minor (but critical) problems.  It is interesting because this is the first site where we’ve used this specific configuration.

Interesting thing about this configuration is that I’m now pushed farther back in the chain of equipment, giving me more responsibility that ever before.  So this has been a learning experience to say the least. 

On the plus side, I’m no longer on salary as of today, so when I put in 60 hours to get these sites up and running, I’ll get paid for that time.  Based off what I’ve been averaging, that’s about 15 hours of overtime every week.  Money, money, money.

And I think that points out the main part of everything I’ve been saying.  If you work while you are at work, and work like a maniac, and be the best that you can be, good things will happen.  You will earn yourself a better position that pays more money and solves your problems faster.  But you have to put the work in ahead of time, when you think it doesn’t mean anything.

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