Thursday, November 14, 2013

Learning, book 1

So on learning.  Last week, I paid off my library debt.  So yesterday, I went to the library and started digging through the self-help section.  I eventually found Kevin Trudeau’s Mega Memory.  So the reviews aren’t very good on the book, but that doesn’t really bother me.  That really doesn’t matter.  What I’m going to do is read 10 books on memory and learning, without trying to judge.  The entire goal is quite simple… I want to learn more with less time. 

Time poverty is the worst kind of poverty.  And the more I think about it, the more I realize time poverty is the only real failing I can’t fix.  There are other failings, but those are the universal ones.  Because there is nothing we can do to get more time in the day to do more things that we wanted to do.  There are only so many hours in the day, and unless those hours are used wisely, they are lost.

But… enough with those thoughts.  Time to go pick up a book and see what it has to offer.  Because really, no matter what I think on the subject, the person writing the book probably has a better recall of their memory than I do.

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