Monday, November 11, 2013

Another post

I was going to write something about a side job where I do lights for a DJ, but that didn’t strike me as interesting and I couldn’t come to a conclusion about what I wanted to say.  I’m certainly known for a bit of rambling here and there, but at least that rambling is going somewhere most of the time.  So that’s the important part of the rambling. 

Anyways, I took the money from the DJ gig and paid off my library dues.  Soon as I get time, I’m going to head to the library and find something or other on memory and learning.  I think it’s pretty obvious that I never learned how to learn, and having to retrain myself at 33 is pretty annoying.  But it’s that mundane recall of facts that I generally regard as stupid that holds me back and yet is required for learning many subjects.  Let’s say I would be a horrible doctor because of my cruddy memory. 

Let’s just hope I don’t have to break down thousands of misconceptions about what I think in order to finally figure out how it all works.  See, that’s generally the biggest problem: we have an idea of how it’s supposed to work.  The idea was that you had to hear something so many times and then it would stick.  Well, I listened to entire chapters of the ICND 1 book and couldn’t tell you what was said five minutes after the recording stopped.  So my mind is hearing, but it’s not making any assumptions.  I tried mixing in music breaks between long sessions of listening, but that didn’t do any good.  So a year later, and I still haven’t learned what I set out to learn.  I’ve tried listening to the book over and over and listening is not doing it.  So that’s that. 

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