Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Going (back) to college

So, going back to college after graduating is a pain. I’m going back to take four different classes over four semesters with the whole purpose of passing the CCNA.  Sounds like a wonderful plan to me.  I probably should have started working on this earlier in the year, but I’m used to getting things done in short amounts of time.  I don’t deal well bureaucracy. 

And now I’m heading back into the pile of bureaucracy that is the college admissions process.  It’s like wading into a pile of ridiculous for people who do paperwork.  I can understand the need for paperwork, but bureaucracy it just nuts.  So I filled out all the online information I needed.  I go to look at the course catalog to find the one course I wanted to take.  And I went to register for the class.  Oh no!  You need to be green lighted!  I go back to look at the class.  No prerequisites.  Anyways, I take time out of work to go over and be advised. 

I’m then informed by someone in their late twenties that I may need to take certain classes.  Perhaps college English she says.  I laugh.  I’ve take college English twice, and got an A both times.  College level English just shows that some students are illiterate and haven’t got a clue.  I remember one where I spent half the thing correcting grammar and the other half suggesting word usage.  Stricken and more strict mean something roughly the opposite.  It’s humorous when a person discusses something that needs to be “stricken” when they want it made “more strict”.  Maybe in my mid-thirties I’m developing what would later be defined as a “grumpy old man”. 

So, after a quick change of major and discussion with the resident knowledgeable person, I’m told I need to get a student ID and send my transcripts.  Ok.  I can do that.  I didn’t know non-degree seeking was even a major.  But eh well.  I do find it humorous that my latest line of college IDs has me in my work uniform, with the logo visible in the picture.  I also still have my Bluetooth in.  So I have to laugh a bit.

Off to the interwebs to get transcripts mailed.  Considering how much technology has advanced in the last 15 years, or even in the last 20 or so it’s surprising to me to go hunt down a website to snail mail my transcripts.  And not one website, I have to go to two different websites to get transcripts mailed.  And both of them cost money.  But I have to admit I’d rather spend the $10 bucks I spent than drive the 12 hour round trip to acquire both sets.  And that other college that no one accepted the grades for?  Not even bothering.  I took two classes and only one of them has ever transferred.

So, that’s the current state of my attempt to go back to college.  I’m still trying.  Let’s see if it happens.    

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