Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life: A Systems Oriented Approach

I read this page on the Art of Manliness, and realized what I was missing.  The goal approach is decent approach to things, but the systems approach works better.  The systems approach is different.   In the systems approach, the end result is stated, but is relatively unimportant.  The actions of the system are the most important part.

The entire purpose of the systems approach is to continue doing the same thing over and over again until the desired result is achieved.  Sometimes, we are deluded that doing the same thing over and over again won’t get a different result.  The thing is, we are getting results.  Just not gigantic results like the ones we want.  So the end result is we believe nothing is changing, even though it might be. 
So there is a need to apply the system, and derive joy from the application of the system.  So now I need to develop and apply the system.   I know part of it, but not the whole thing.  I know I want to be a better programmer, and I want to be better at math.  But I need to do some things that will get me towards that path. 

I talked about writing 300 words a day on a story I was working on, but if I looked back at it, I doubt I’ve written anything in more than two weeks.  No output.  Just input, input, and more input.  And that’s not what I want.  I want to produce, not just to consume.

The first part of the system will start tomorrow at 5 in the morning.  There is no point like the present to start applying the system.  Really, there isn’t.  Because if I do nothing, I will continue getting the same thing I have been getting.  And I’m not sure I like what I’ve been getting.  Because I’m much too results oriented.

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