Monday, May 5, 2014

Let's talk real randomness

I almost want to congratulate myself on writing a week’s worth of blogs.  I almost feel impressed with myself.  Not really, but let’s just say I do. 

I’ve probably succeeded since I haven’t been doing anything else I usually do.  I’m blaming Jack.  Jack is almost two months old and has decided he needs to wake up when I do.  Anytime I decide to wake up early, he wants to come see me.  So he yells loudly.  When I finish my shower?  Yup, then too.  So no breakfast for daddy (that would be me). 

Maybe I need to quit running my mornings on such rigorous schedules.  Wake up at 6.  Shower at 6:20.  Dress and breakfast at 6:40.  Wake the kids up at 7:10.  Wake the wife up at 7:30.  Go to work at 7:40.  You could almost set a clock by what I do.  But it hasn’t been happening. 

I’ve been meaning to work more on my collection of short stories, and finish the one I’ve been working on.  I call it “Causality Crimes”.  Which, come to think of it could be a good story about revisionist history in the media.  But enough of that.  It’s more about the future and what scummy people can do.  Though after that one, I probably need to finish the other one I was working on.  That one was based on a nightmare I had.  It’s terribly fun having nightmares about intergalactic space virus.

Speaking of nightmares and Hollywood… it seems like Hollywood likes to portray the nightmares of people who have been to war as war memories.  I have to admit, I’ve had some of those.  Quite a few of them, actually.  But most of my war dreams are just overlays of dreams I’ve had for years.  The dream of getting in a fight just changed behavior.  When I was in middle school and high school, it was some nameless faceless kid.  After a few tours in Iraq, it was a nameless, faceless enemy combatant.  Same dream, different setting. 

To end this before it goes off in some other uncontrolled direction, I’d say this has been the most erratic thing I’ve written.  Eh well.  I guess that’s why I label a bunch of these things brain dumps.

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