Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kindles with color or without

Perhaps we can keep the streak going.  I think we can.   I have another blog I want to post on the Green Lantern Paradox, but that one needs researched and proof-read.  So I’ll skip that one and write this one completely off the cuff.  In the background, I’m transferring a good 3 GB of syslogs over to a place to archive them temporarily.  Which really is about as interesting as watching paint dry.

This week is an on call week, so I expect it to be absolutely horrible.  The last time I was on call I worked almost 70 hours.  As far as paychecks go, that one was awesome.  We’ll see how this one stacks up.

For my five year anniversary with the company, they are giving me a gift card.  I decided to go with one from Best Buy, and I’m thinking of either getting a Kindle Fire HDX or a Kindle Paperwhite.  I haven’t decided which.  I have to admit, both look pretty nice and seem very interesting.  I love the idea of the HDX as a tablet that is capable of media as well as books, though I’m primarily interested in the device as a way to carry around lots and lots of books.  I read a lot of technical PDFs and the ability to read them without dragging out my laptop would be awesome.

Electronic delivery seems to be the path of the future, and I do try to sell my books on Kindle Direct Publishing, so it’s just a matter of whether I want a color screen or a paper looking screen.  On the plus side, not much that I read has color diagrams.  I guess those are more expensive in the publishing world than black and white. 

As for any other device, an iPad would be the only other thing I would be interested in, but those are way too expensive.  I intend to pay for the entire thing with the gift card and contribute nothing of my own money.  Otherwise, it’s just a reduction in price of an existing item. 

Anyways, that’s what I‘m thinking.  I haven’t decided what I’m going to do.  I haven’t even received the gift card yet.  So I get more time to think about it all.

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