Thursday, May 22, 2014

some thoughts...

So the school problem from a couple of days ago is fixed.  The solution was delete the vlan.dat file and the startup config in the router and switch.   Then, rebuild the router and switch using standard configurations.  About the time I got all that working, the antivirus started eating our business software.  So that was some fun.  Have I mentioned how much I hate Kaspersky?   If not, then I’m mentioning it now. 

Over the weekend, we changed to Kaspersky 10.  About 1/3 of the computers we installed on lost their mouse drivers.   So that was another horrible experience with them.  As soon as the contract is up, we’re jumping ship.  Haven’t decided where to go next.

Enough of that.  Been fighting with various contractors.  I often wonder why some people just don’t listen to what people are telling them.  They have good equipment, but it’s a pain to set up when they don’t listen.  I understand we’re just some small company running a proof of concept, but when you ask for simple things, you should get simple answers.  Sometimes, no is an answer.  But I guess some are taught to never say no.  It’s easy to say no when it comes to networking.  It’s simple: for security purposes, we can’t allow that to happen.  Boom.  Done.  Go find another way.

Enough of that.  I was watching the Dave Ramsey and there was a short commercial from Andy Andrews.  He was quoting Proverbs 23:7.

For as a he thinks in his heart, so is he.

And it struck me.  That’s what I’ve been missing for a while.  I know I knew it at one point, but at the moment I was missing it.  Just thinking back, I realize most of the posts I’ve put up recently have been very negative, and that serves no purpose what so ever.  It doesn’t do any good to gripe about a bunch of contractors who don’t listen.  It’s just a bunch of whining, and it doesn’t do any purpose.   The defeated, whining mentality does not breed success.  It breeds failure.  And that’s not what I want. 

As a man thinks, so he is.  If you are negative, then your life will be negative.  You have to choose to be happy.  It’s not something easy to do.  You have to choose to be positive.  It all narrows down to a person having to choose.

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