Saturday, May 10, 2014

good bye, world creation

I keep trying to get into world development with Fallout New Vegas.  I think the editor is great, and the system is well designed for the wonders of post-apocalyptic horror.  But I can’t get the stupid thing to make terrain I can use or see.  The screen is always covered in black nothingness.  So I guess that port of my plan has fallen by the wayside.  Really, I’m tired of fighting it, trying to get what should be easy to work.  I guess I just don’t know enough about what is going on to make it work the way I want it to.

I was developing some idea of a world where all this was taking place, but seeing as how I could never get the editor to work, there was really no point in expanding the thought.  I mean, what good is it if the stupid thing just won’t work like you want it to?

I ran into the same issue with the Half-Life 2 mod kit.  Great tool, but I don’t have 30 hours to dig around and find the one esoteric piece of junk that is causing the entire system to fall apart.  I just don’t have the time.  I want to get in and put item to paper and start creating.  Fighting the system is just an annoyance that I don’t want to deal with.

I suppose I should quit being picky, but I’m not going to.  Those of us who like to create want to create.  We don’t want to spend hours and hours getting the tools working.  We want to spend time creating.  Because creating is what we do.  And that is all there is to it.  Nothing more, nothing less.

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