Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas week

After a week of barely keeping up, I’m now eating lunch, wondering what to do.  There are so many possibilities that could be done.  What should one do with a good 45 minutes of free time (assuming it stays free).
About halfway through writing that sentence, my brain kicked back. 

“Sure, you have lots of possibilities.  But you haven’t done a darn thing that should be doing.” 

So, after listening to my brain I’m back to reading about Active Directory Group Policy configuration.  I think I only have a bit more than 100 pages left on that book before going towards a Security+ book.  From there, it’s on to the stuff that is where I’d want to be in couple of years.  Learning stuff is great, but it’s best to go towards learning stuff to accomplish a task.  And with this, there is a task at hand and a plan.  I’ve just got to slug through all the stuff that is necessary but boring. 

That being said, I’m probably going to try and finish both books during my vacation.  I’m taking a week off after Christmas, so hopefully I’ll be finished with both.  I might actually come back from the vacation with good ideas.  Maybe.  I already have an idea of what needs to be done, I just have to end up doing it. 

As a general thought, it’s hard to get setup to be out of the office for a week (or more).  Really, I’ll be gone for about 7 work days.  That’s just crazy for me.  The last time I took that much time off, I had just had my third child. 

Come to think of it, that was March.  Wow, does time fly.  

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