Thursday, December 11, 2014

Introduction to Networks ch 6

     How does the network layer use the MTU value?
     A) The MTU is passed to the network layer by the data link layer.

     What are 2 functions that are provided by the network layer?
     1) providing end devices with a unique network identifier
     2) directing data packets to destination hosts on other networks

     During the boot process, in what memory location will the router bootstrap program look for the IOS image if a TFTP server is not used?  
     A) flash

     When transporting data from real-time applications, such as streaming audio and video, which field in the IPv6 header can be used to inform the routers and switches to maintain the same path for the packets in the same conversation
     A) Flow Label

     Within a production network, what is the purpose of configuring a switch with a default gateway address?
     A) The default gateway address is used to forward packets originating from the switch to remote networks.

Chapter 6 Notes

routing - communication between networks

Network Layer
     Provides services to allow end devices to exchange data across the network
     -OSI Layer 3
     -4 basic processes
          -Addressing (end devices)
               end device with configured IP is called a host
               Receives PDU from transport layer.  Adds header.   Now called a Packet
          -Routing - services to direct packets to a destination host on another network
               -each route the packet takes to reach the destination is called a hop
          -Deencapsulation - process of removing headers from lower layers

     Operates without knowing/caring of the data being carried
     Media/Path is irrelevant.  Satelite, wireless, cable modem, serial.. doesn't matter

Network Layer protocols

 Characteristics of IP protocols    
     -low overhead
     -best effort (unreliable) 
     -media independant

     Connectionless - no dedicated end to end connection created before sending.  Kind of like mail.
          -send at any time
          -unaware of the state of the recipient
          -unaware if the receiver can understand the data 
          -no error correction
          -no guarantee packets will arrive in order

Best Effort Delivery
     can't recover from failed/corrupt packets
     bad packets are dropped
     trouble with transmission handled by upper layers if the layer desires

Media Independent
     Data link layer responsible for transmitting over media.
     maximum size packet that can be sent is the MTU (maxium transmission unit)
          -data link layer passes the MTU value up to the network layer
          -network layer uses information to determine packet size
          -breaks packets to  fit the MTU.   
          -Fragmentation is necessary to split packet size so it will fit on a device with a smaller MTU

IPv4 Packet
     -In use since 1983
     Packet has 2 parts
          1) IP header
               Significant portions of the header
               -Version - packet version.  Constant at 0100
               -Differentiated services (formerly Type of Service) - used for QoS.   1st 6 bits used by QoS.  last 2 bits used to prevent dropping
               -TTL (Time to Live) 8 bit value to limit the lifetime of the packet.  Reduced at each hop.   If hits 0, router discards packet and returns ICMP Time Exceeded message to the source IP address
               -Protocol - indicates data payload
               -Source IP address
               -Destination IP address
          2) Payload

          Remaining fields of the IPv4 header
          -Internet Header Length (IHL) - 4 bit value identifying the number of 32 bit words in the header
          -total length - defines entire packet size, including header and data
          -header checksum - used for error checking IP header.  If values do not match, packet is discarded

          If the packet is fragmented, other fields are used to keep track of the data
          -Identification - unique identifier of a fragment
          -flags - identifies how a packet is fragmented
          -fragment offset - identifies the order in which to place the packet when it arrives at the destination

IPv6 packet
     Limitations of IPv4
     -IP address depletion   - only 4 billion available IP addresses.  Quickly running out due to always-on connections
     -Internet Routing Table Expansion - more networks, more routes, more waiting
     -Lack of end-to-end connectivity - Troublesome when NAT and PAT are used.  

          -simplification of the IPv6 header
          IPv4 had 20 octets and 12 basic header fields
          IPv6 has 40 octets and 8 basic header fields

          advantages over IPv4
               -better routing efficiency for performance and forwarding rate
               -no requirement for processing checksums
               -simplified and more efficient extension header mechanisms
               -flow label field for per-flow processing with no need to dencapsulate to identify various traffic flows

          IPv6 packet header
               -Version- 4 bit binary.  Constantly set to 0110
               -Traffic Class - equivelant of the differentiaed services field
               -flow label     - used to inform routers and switches to maintain the same path for packet flow so that packets are not reordered
               -payload length
               -next header - equivelent of the IPv4 protocol field.  indicates data being carried
               -hop limit
               -source address
               -destination address

          IPv6 addresses
          -128 bit address
          -colons separate entries into a series of 16-bit hexadecimal blocks


     How a host routes
          Host forwarding decision
               hosts can send a packet to ...
               -local host
               -remote host

               local host vs remote host is based on IP address and subnet mask comparison between sender and receiver

               devices beyond the local network segment referred to as remote hosts
          Default Gateway
               the device that routes traffic from the local network to devices on remote networks
               if a host is sending to remote network, it sends to default gateway

               default gateway maintains a routing table 
                    -data file in RAM that stores route information from directly connected networks
                    -also knows remote networks the device has learned

               host must maintain a local routing table to ensure proper delivery
               hosts routing table typically contains of...
               -direct connection
               -local network route
               -local default route

               default route only used to connect outside of the local network

IPv4 routing
          If a host wants to send a packet inside the local network
          1) consult the IPv4 route table
          2) match the destination IP address and identify it as being in the same network
          3) send the packet using the local interface

          If a host wants to send a packet outside the local network
          1) consult the IPv4 route table
          2) find there is no exact match for the destination IP address
          3) choose the local default route to pick the forwarding location
          4)  send the packet to the gateway using the local interface

IPv6 routing
          View routing table in Windows with netstat -r or route print

          If - lists the interface numbers from the interface list
          metric - lists the cost of each route to a destination.  Lower numbers are preferred routes
          network destination - lists the reachable networks
          gateway  - lits the address used by local host to forward outside the network

     ::/0 - IPv6 equivalent of the local default route
     ::1/128  - IPv6 equivalent of the loop back address
     200::/32 - global unicast network prefix
      fe80::/64 local link network route address;  represents all computers in the local network
      ff00::/8     multicast address

     no broadcast addresses in IPv6

Router Routing Tables

     routers store information about 
          directly connected routes
          -known from interfaces physically plugged into the router
          remote routes
          -routes that come from other routers.  
          -manually configured  or dynamically configured through the device learning from other routers

          routing table of a router
          -destination network
          -metric associated with the destination
          -gateway to get to the destination

          show ip route

          when a packet arrives at the router, the router examines the routing table.  if the destination network matches a route in the routing table, the router forwards the packet to that route
          if multiple paths to the same location, then lowest metric wins

     directly connected routing table entries
          routers have 2 rotus after IP address is assigned
          route source: - how the route was learned
               C: directly connected
               L - local route

          Destination network and how reached
               identifies the address of the network and how a packet can reach the destination
          outgoing interface
               what interface is used to connect to that network

          routers generally have multiple interfaces configured
               common codes for remote networks
               -S: route was manually created by an admin.  Static route
               -D: learned dynamically using EIGRP
               -O: learned dynamically using OSPF

          remote network routing table entries
               route source- how the route was learned
               destination network - the address of the remote network
               administrative distance - trustworthiness of the route source
               metric - value assigned to reach the remote network.  Lower wins
               next hop - ip address of the next router to forward packets to
               route timestamp - when the route was last heard from
               outgoing interface - physical interface to forward a packet

          next hop address
               address of the device that will process the packet next.

          packets can not be forwarded by the router without a route for the destination network.

          if no route, packet is dropped

          router can be configured with a gateway of last resort if the destination is unknown


Routers - 
     a router is a computer
     branch - small business, medium business, teleworkes
     WAN - large business
     Service provider - large service providers

     router CPU and OS
     Router memory 
          RAM  -  store applications and process including
                    -IOS - copied during bootup
                    -running config
                    -ip routing table
                    -ARP cache
                    -packet buffer
                    routers use DRAM
                    volatile memory and requires continual power to maintain information
                    all content lost when powered down
               used to store:
               -bootup instruction
               -basic diagnostic software
               -limited IOS
               firmware embedded on an integrated circuit inside the router
               doesn't lose contents when powered down 
               used as permanent storage for the startup config file
               doesn't lose contents when powered off
               used as permanent storage for IOS and system related fields

          router backplane
               has the following connections
               -console ports
               -aux port
               -LAN interfaces
               -Enhanced high-speed WAN interface card (EHWIC) slot
                    modular enhancement slot.  Different interface, different card

          connecting to a router
               routers interconnect many devices
               connections grouped into two categories
               management ports - used to configure/manage/troubleshoot.  not used for packet forwarding
               in-band router interfaces - LAN and WAN interfaces configured with IP addressing to carry traffic

               two interfaces can't belong to the same network


router bootup

     bootset files - loaded into RAM when booted
          -IOS image file
          -start config file
     router bootup process
          1) perform POST and load the bootstrap program
          2) locate and load the Cisco IOS software
          3) locate and load the startup config file or enter setup mode

          locating/loading config file

               can be saved in NVRAM. 
               if not, can be loaded from a TFTP server

         show version 
               CPU and amount of RAM
                    some versions write the amount of ram with XXXX/YYYY.   add those two numbers together
               has config register as 0x2102.    changing to other used for password recovery


        general config steps
             1)give hostname
             2) set passwords 
                    -use service password-encryption to encrypt password
               3) setup a banner motd
               4) exit config
               5) save configuration

        configuring interfaces
               1) conf t
               2) interface whatever
               3) ip address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy   where x is IP address, y is subnet mask
               4) description blah
               5) no shutdown
               6) exit config
               7) save

        verify interface configuration
               show ip interface brief
               show ip route
               show interfaces
               show ip interface

default gateway on a switch
     1) interface blah
     2) ip address xxx yyy  (x is IP, y is subnet)
     3) no shutdown

     4) ip default-gateway   (x is IP address)
     IP address on a switch is only used to mange the switch
     if you want it accessible from anywhere, it needs a default gateway

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