Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Computer, Old Computer

So, my wife replaced her computer with a Windows 8 machine this Christmas.  It was time for an upgrade for her, as the old computer was slow and clunky.  It also seems like the hard drive is beginning to go out.  It is aged and running Windows XP to boot.

So what do I do with an old but working computer?  Install Apache Tomcat and MySQL.  Seems like a good idea to me.  I’ve always contemplated large, data-minable information gathe­ring in a system.  Really, the goal of any good artificial intelligence is to understand end result and desire.  In order to do that, one must first have a collection of data to examine to determine motive.

Though I’m inclined to think there would be a disconnect between what people say their objectives are and what their actions are.  That disconnect is likely to cause many problems as the system anticipates based on action, not on thought.  From there, the subject would likely grow annoyed at the system because “it doesn’t do what I want”.  But in reality, it does.

I could be right, and I could be wrong.  Who knows.

On a separate note, I’m on track to finish the Active Directory book in the next three days or so.  My estimations say I’ll finish by January 5th.  I think that’s because my average has been 13 pages every 2.4 days.  Which shows I haven’t quite developed the level of reading “habit” I want.  If I had developed that habit, the average would have been one day.  But it is not.  So the spreadsheet says I’m going to finish by January 5th, even though I’m likely to finish by January 1st.  Learn to measure everything, and then determine where reality meets desire. 

I’m anticipating a religious thoughts sometime this week.  Colossians 2:16-17 and 20-23 struck me very deeply in church this morning.  I think there’s something big in there.  I just have to spend a bit of time meditating on it.  I think I’ve been right a long time, I just couldn’t prove it.  And by prove, I mean quote specific Biblical passages in agreement with I think.

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