Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Random Ideas

So, I keep running into ideas for new stories.  The most recent idea (and it’s an idea that I’ve had before, but the specifics have changed).  The first time I had the idea, I was exploring the Cult of the Damned in World of Warcraft.  Now, I’ve been playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and the idea is necromancers.  Essentially, the idea is to take a group of friends.  Most end up becoming adventurers.  The last ends up becoming a necromancer.  The final result is one side versus the other.  But the main thought is the person getting drawn into necromancy through seduction and misrepresentation.  And by the time the person realizes necromancers are bad, they’ve gone too far and can’t go back. 

It’s a distinctly Christian idea in the post-Jesus US era that would create such an idea.  It’s easy to combine incorrect theology (unforgiveable sin) with flawed characters.  I think I realized in my writing, I needed to quit making characters Superman.  Too often, the people themselves only have externalized problems as opposed to real character flaws.  Taking those flaws and blowing them out of proportion makes for a more interesting character. 

In many ways, the world I think of is two different worlds.  One is midevil and fits somewhere between Berserk, Oblivion, and Skyrim.  The other is future modern and is closer to the worlds described by William Gibson and Neal Stephenson.  I’ve contemplated creating a giant, all encompassing arc that would merge the two worlds together in some fashion that would be interesting and epic.  But then I have to finish the other two stories I have half-finished.   Or I could just merge it all together in one and make something akin to Shadowrun.  Which I suppose would work pretty well if I didn’t make it too crazy.

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