Thursday, November 13, 2014

Back to Active Directory

Eating lunch, I once again have a brain running in circles.  In the end, I got a little done during that lunch break, but not much.  Now I’m back in the morning, and things are considerably calmer.  Earlier this week, I thought I was behind.  Now, I’m not as convinced.  I ended up finishing the Java book and now I’m moving on to the Active Directory book.  I have decided to start over and reread the Active Directory book because I essentially skimmed through to find the parts I was looking for the first time.  Now, I’m going for a decent level of competency.  So I have to read the entire book to make sure I get what I want out of it.  I’m pretty sure I will.  My Active Directory knowledge has moved in leaps and bounds, and a lot of things are making a lot more sense.

My problem with the startup script had nothing to do with permissions.  I had the default software policy to basic, and the user didn’t have rights to access or run network resources.  They basically couldn’t run any software I didn’t specifically allow.  So that had to be dialed back to allow the company to operate.  Now, my proxy file works great and updates like I want it to.  This solution seems to work a lot better than using Content Adviser.  It also allows the use of Google Chrome without a separate blocking file.  That was nice of Google to allow all those things to interoperate well together.  Good design policy for Google, there.

Changing subjects: after restarting the Active Directory book, I’ve completed 11.96% of my goal.  Granted, I don’t have a date on any of these.  I just have an overarching goal to get it done.  I really only have a goal on getting my app built because there is a definite potential there.  Though I may be wrong, the financial outlay is low enough to where I’m not concerned with a flop.  I could make nothing on the thing, and still be happy I got it out there.  The hard skills in creating the app will still be there, so if I come up with another idea the lead time won’t be near what it was before.  Definite bonus to me.  Plus, the web based skills could easily be usable.  My brain is still running the thought of having MySQL and Tomcat running on my wife’s desktop, and doing…  I don’t know with it.  Something internal, probably.   I don’t want the hassle of hosting.  That’s just a pain.  It’s easier to pay someone else.

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