Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Something I’m questioning quite a bit is network security.  Network security is a nebulous thing that is never really clearly defined.  I’ve read through most of a Security+ book, but that doesn’t really cover the broad scope of what needs to be done to cover the subject.

I’ve looked at the SANS website, and they might be great but SANS is too busy selling things.  Looking at Cisco, it’s one part of the subject, but it doesn’t cover the entire subject. 

Here’s the real problem: network security is so spread out, ambiguous, and poorly documented that truly learning network security has to be a personal topic.  The individual has to wander through the various resources, hoping to find some piece of information that will secure the network.  So many different possibilities of areas to cover without any real dedication.  It is no wonder that networks are broken into all the time.

I guess that’s my rant for the day.  Lots of work today, so little time to spend at home and do…  anything else.

And I’m pissed at Evernote right now.  It lost about 2-3 hours of my note taking.  There was a lot of interesting information.   And somehow, I’m back to where I was before all my Saturday/Sunday studying.

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