Thursday, November 20, 2014

Random Thoughts

Seeing as how I'm behind the curve on updates, today is another day of random thoughts!

I've been finishing up an Active Directory computer roll out.  This grouping I created after creating my first set.  I should have set up a template before creating that first test machine.  Eh well.  A template is now created.  I just have to figure out why web filtering isn't working.  I think I need to read more about application deployment.  There's probably something I'm missing.

I'm looking at some subcontracting work in next couple of weeks.  More on that after the contract is over.

I'm still not registered for the next section of Cisco classes.  The class filled up in three days, and they only offer one section.  The every other section in the department has less people than the one class I want to take.

I still haven't started my Android App yet.  Listening to Seth Godin, I think I front loaded the thing with all the stuff I find fun, and now have to do the hard parts.  That, and I have to mess with the Java version on my computer in order to get Eclipse to work.  If Verifone ever upgrades off Java 6, I'll be happy as a clam.

On the plus side, I've got one more night upgrade this week, and then I should be done with upgrades until at least January.  I hope.

Other than the subcontracting stuff.

It looks like the day is calling, so I'd better go answer.

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