Friday, November 21, 2014

late night, post upgrade

12:35 at night.  Just finished an upgrade.  The BUYPAK 6.00.10 (Verifone Ruby/Sapphire) upgrades are done for the moment.  I'm a little bit tired and wired at the same time.

On the drive home, I started contemplating the Internet as envisioned by the likes of William Gibson.  I think it's pretty simple (in theory).  All you'd have to do is continuously ping and tracert the Internet, and use some searching algorithms to place all the live IP addresses on a globe, with a vague idea of where everything.  Merge it with Google Maps, and you could swing around a virtual globe.  Public IP addresses tied to physical locations and areas.  Sounds interesting in my head, at least.

I guess I'm still obsessed by the idea of cyberpunk and most dystopian future books.  Akira comes to mind, as does Ghost in the Shell.  Maybe a bit of Snow Crash?

Maybe the future I always envisioned is possible, and here.  Just not the way we imagined it.  Really.  I can control computers half-way around the world with a cell phone application.

I guess I should quit rambling and wander to bed.  It does seem an interesting world, though.

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