Thursday, November 6, 2014

Introduction to Networks Chapter 4 Notes

From Introduction to Networks by Cisco Press, 2014

Chapter 4

Wireless - 
     -range limitations
     -easily mobile
     -performance directly related to distance
     -performance degraded by other wireless

     -won't degrade in performance based on distance
     -hard to move
     -static positioning
     -as many devices with no degredation

Physical layer
     types of media
     -fiber optic

Functional Areas

Physical components - electronic hardware, media, connectors, interfaces

encoding - convert a stream of data bits into predefined code

     common network encoding schemes
     -manchester - 0 is high to low transition
                          1 is low to high transition
      -non-return to zero - two states meaning 0 and 1, and no neutral/rest position

signaling - method of representing bits

     asynchronous - transmitted without clock signal.  frames require start/stop indicator flags

     synchronous - data signal sent with clock signal

ways to transmit

     frequency modulation - carrier frequency varies
     amplitude modulation - carrier amplitude varies
     pulse code modulation - analog signal is converted to digital by sampling the signals amplitude and expressing as binary

data transfer speeds (in bits)
     know your metric

throughput - measure of bits across media in a given time
     -varies by...
          -amount of traffic
          -type of traffic
          -latency - amount of time, including delays, to travel from one point to another

     throughput can't be faster than the slowest link

Copper cabling
     -easy to install
     -limited by distance
     -limited by signal interference

data transmitted as electrical pulses

attenuation - the longer a signal travels, the weaker it gets

electromagnetic interference (EMI) and/or radio frequency interference (RFI) 
     -capable of distorting signal or corrupting signal
     -produced by florescent lights and electrical motors

crosstalk - electrical or magnetic signal on one wire distorts the signal on another wire
     -canceled by twisting pairs together

main types of copper media
     -shielded twisted pair (STP)
     -unshielded twisted pair (UTP) 

UTP - most common
     - 4 pairs of color coded wires

STP - not as common
     -provides better noise protection
     -more expensive
     -difficult to work with
     -if improperly grounded shield can act as antenna and pick up signals
     -4 pairs of color coded wires

coax - 2 conductors sharing the same axis
     -traditionally used in cable tv, early Ethernet
     -still used for
          -cable internet

all copper susceptible to fire/electrical hazards
     -toxic gas released when burned
     -lightning strikes
     -over voltage fries ports
          prevent problems by....
          -separate data and electrical
          -connect cables correctly
          -inspect for damage
          -most be grounded correctly

UTP cabling
     -cancelation - pair wires in a circuit, then magnetic fields are cancelled
     -vary twists per wire enhances cancellation effect

     standards defined by EIA/TIA
     -cable types
     -cable lengths
     -cable termination
     -methods of testing

     categorized by IEEE by transmission speed
     - terminated with ISO 8877 RJ45 jack

     termination options
     -Ethernet straight through

Fiber Optic Cable
     -higher data rate
     -longer distance

     Fiber is used 
     -Enterprise networks as the backbone
     -fiber to the home (FTTH), access networks
     -long haul networks
     -submarine networks
fiber design/layout
     -core - pure glass - transmission medium
     -cladding - surrounds core, acts as a mirror
     -jacket -surrounds and protects core and cladding
     -susceptible to sharp bends

     transmitted using...

     -laser light through the fiber could damage the human eye
     single mode fiber - small core and lasers 
          -long distance

     multimode fiber
          -large core and LED
          -up to 550 meters

     terminated with optical fiber connector
     -70 different connector types

     most popular
     -straight tip (ST) - older, bayonet style
     -subscriber connector (SC) square or standard connector
     -LC (lucent connector) little or local connector, growing in popularity due to small size
All fiber connectors have light travel in one direction at a time (half duplex)
Need 2 cables to send/receive at the same time (full duplex)

terminating fiber requires special training and equipment
     common failures
     -misalignment-  not joined correctly
     -end gap - media does not correctly touch the splice or connection
     -end finish - dirt, not properly polished at termination

     use a tester or bright flash light
          optical time domain reflector

Advantages for fiber over UTP
     -fiber immune to EMI/RFI
     -greater lengths
     -fiber more expensive over the same distance
     -different skills to terminate/splice fiber
     -requires careful handling

wireless media

     -carry electromagnetic signals that represent binary digits
     -not restricted to connectors or pathways
     -greatest mobility
     -number of devices expanding

     concerns - 
     -coverage area - work well in open areas, but are blocked by certain obstructions
     -interference - can be obstructed by common household devices
     -security - requires no physical access, so it is easy to gain unauthorized access 
          -security a major failing

     IEEE 802.11 (WLAN) - wifi uses a contention or non-deterministic system with system CSMA-CA
     IEEE 802.15 (wireless PAN or Bluetooth) 
     IEEE 802.16 Wi-Max point to point microwave

     physical layer standards apply to
     -data to radio signal encoding
     -frequency and power of transmission
     -signal reception and decoding
     -antenna design and construction

     common implementation is to use a WAP connected to a LAN
     -lots of wired standards.  check and make sure they interoperate
     -stringent policy following

     various 802.11 standards

data link layer
     purpose - responsible for the exchange of frames between nodes over a physical medium

     node - network devices connected to a common medium

2 services
     -accepts L3 packets and package them into frames
     -controls media access control and performs error detection

data link layer divided into 2 layers

data link        |       llc sublayer          
                    |      mac sublayer   |          |            |               |
-----------------------------------------802.3  - 802.11  |  802.15   |
 physical        |                            |          |            |               |

LLC (logical link control)
     -defines software process that provide service to network layer protocols

MAC (media access control)
     -MAC processes defined by hardware; data link layer addressing and delimiting of data according to physical media connected

     MAC method - gets frame on and off the media

at each step, data goes up to layer 3 and is re-encapsulated as it gets back out

     -encapsulation in header and trailer to create a frame
          -header - control and addressing
          -data  - information.  IP header, transport layer header and data
          -trailer - control info and error dection

     framing breaks stream of 0s and 1s into decipherable groupings
     -frame start/stop indicator flags
     -type - used by LLC to identify L3 protocol
     -control - special flow control services
     -data - frame payload
     -error detection

Layer 2 standards


     MAC provides traffic rules
          topology - how the connection between the nodes appears to the data link layer
          media sharing - how the nodes share the media
          physical topologies - where in the building
          logical topologies - how network frames transfer frames from node to node 
               IP address map

WAN topologies
     point to point
     hub and spoke
     mesh - every system connected to every other

virtual circuit
     logical connection between two nodes

half duplex - one sends, everyone listens
full duplex - send and receive at the same time

physical topologies - star end devices 
     -connected to intermediate device

     -extended star
     contention-based access - all nodes compete for use of the media, but have a plan during collision

     controlled access - each node has its own time to use the media

     CSMA/CD - monitor traffic, send if silent
     CSMA/CA - 

data link frames
     fragile environment requires more control
          -think media transmission through clouds, space, space, brick walls, hills...   
     protected environment requires fewer control
          -think hardwired lines that go short distances

start frame   |  address     | type/length

different data link protocol use 
     -logical connection control field
     -physical link control
     -flow control - to start/stop traffic
     -congestion control - indicates congestion

data link provides addressing that is used in transmitting across shared media
called physical address

physical address specific to device

     -can't be used to find device on the internet
     -only used for local delivery

if you want to cross networks, an intermediate device is necessary

trailer used to determine if frame arrived without errors
     create a CRC and places it in the FCS field

at destination, check FCS.  if error, discard
     -not a perfect method

all layer 2 use depends on topology

common data link protocols
     -802.11 wireless
     -frame relay

     -dominant LAN technology
     -802.2 and 802.3 standards
     -provides unacknowledged connectionless service using CSMA/CA as media access
     -MAC is 48 bits, represented in hex

Point to point protocol
     -deliver frames between nodes
     -developed by RFC
     -layered architecture
          -establishes logical connections (sessions)
     -PPP session hides physical media from upper PPP protocol

802.11 wireless 
     -same LLC and 48 bit addressing scheme as ethernet
     -more controls based on media
     -uses CSMA/CA
     -uses acknowledgements to confirm successful delivery
     -supports authentication, encryption, privacy, association

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