Friday, November 14, 2014

The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

Hmm… I just realized I almost posted the same blog twice.  That’s not very professional of me.  I spent part of the morning fighting an active directory issue.  The issue was “The User Profile Service service failed the logon.  User profile cannot be loaded.”

That’s a mouthful.  It probably had something to do with a setting I had.  Anyways, the fix for me was to log on to the local computer and add the domain user to the local computer as the proper account, and then logon as the domain user.   The thing fired up and ran for me like no one’s business. 

I spent a good 3-4 weeks on Active Directory without a single computer installed.  I installed one on Thursday, I am looking to install a second on Friday.  Then nine more the next week, as fast as I can build them and get them configured.  I would like to completely automate the build process, but that’s not going to happen.  Too many things that require hands on button pushing, and I have no way to create an MSI file for an automatic install. 

Perhaps one day, but not today.  At least I got my proxy file/web filtering working quite well.  I really love the thought of “make one change, affect every computer”.  I’ve spent far too long doing things the manual way because that’s the way it was always done.  Now, I’m tired of the way things were “always done”.  What I generally find is things were “always done” one way because some guy figured out how to do it that way.  After it was figured out, everyone else just hopped in line and followed along.  Too many round pegs going straight into round holes.

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