Monday, November 10, 2014

Catching up

I'm still slightly behind schedule, but it will be okay.  I'm about 94% complete with Java All-In-One.  Technically, I'm supposed to be done with the book today so I can start programming Tuesday.  I've got class on Monday, so my day is pretty much taken up.

I probably don't have to finish the entire book to learn what I need to learn.  I could probably start coding now and fudge around until I figure out what I need.  I think my knowledge is there, it's just a matter of slugging out the work.  But I wanted to make sure and read the entire book just so I'm certain there's nothing left in there that I need.

I'm not sure it's going to take me until January 1st to finish my prototype, but it could.  I do have the troublesome problem of having to move between Java 6 and Java 8 any day I want to try and code.  And I'm not a big fan of Eclipse, but it's pretty much the only Android development kit out there I've heard of that doesn't require more time to setup than writing the code.

I think I'm going to write most of the code in NetBeans and then port it all to Eclipse later.  The general idea shouldn't be complicated.  Most of this is going to be user interface design, anyways.  Which I really find strange.  But that's fine.

The only question I have is a pretty straightforward one, as presented by Seth Godin.  He's got a podcast called Start School.  It was a class he taught for several days.  Anyways, Godin said if you are going to create any sort of phone app, you have to add a social component to it.  Adding a social component gives others the opportunity to find and recognize your creation as they advertise their successes.

I'm still not 100% certain what that all means, but I'm going to throw in a social component just because of the potential expanded reach.  Yeah.

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