Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chasing Down a Dog with a K-Bar

Saturday before Halloween

Go to a neighbors birthday party.
Come home.
Sit down to carve pumpkins on the back porch
Wife brings the dog out.
The baby sits on a blanket on the back porch.
Other two kids are hanging out, picking designs for the pumpkin.
Go inside to pee.
Wife yells for me.  Trouble kind of yell.
Neighbor's dog is fighting my dog.  Baby is down and crying.
I scream at the dogs and chase down the neighbors dog.
Neighbor dog runs away.
This is the second of my kids to be attacked by that dog.
I go inside and grab my K-Bar
Stuff the K-Bar in sheath into the back of my pants.
Time for Thunderdome.
Injury check.
Dog saved by being a giant fluff ball
Baby just got knocked over.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
You won't fool me again.
Time for the dog to die.
Hunting party.
Stalk the dog down the alley.
Runs around and tries to get back inside it's fence.
I yell at the dog again.
Dog runs off.
I yell at the owners through the front door to come get their dog.
Back to stalking the dog.
Owners catch the dog, bring in through back entrance.
Guess the dog gets to live.
Go home.
Carve pumpkins.
Break the plastic tools.
Get a power drill and finish the pumpkin.
Owners get rid of the dog that night.

True story.

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