Monday, September 23, 2013

Good talks

More TED talks to discuss.  Nothing brazenly horrible this time.  Actually, some good stuff was found.    Pico Iyer’s Where is Home was a pretty awesome talk.  So was Cameron Herold with let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs.  The best though, was Simon Sinek with how great leaders inspire action.  Generally, I’ll listen to a talk once and move on.  This one I’ve listened to at least three times in the last couple of days.  I guess it’s the difference between a truly amazing talk and an “eh” talk.  Like I’ve said before…  TED has some great speeches.  You just have to dig to find them.

And it makes me wonder.  Why am I doing this? Profit and financial stability is the result, but why?  And unfortunately, I don’t have a good answer for that at the moment.  I haven’t had a good answer in a while.   My question has always been “Are you where you want to be?”  And the answer has always been “No”.  So I get up, I work, I study, and I do things that will lead to greater success.  But there is no great underlying “why” other than I don’t like being broke.  And I’ve come to realize that isn’t good enough. 

See, the end result isn’t enough when you are running a marathon.  It works decently for a sprint, but is worthless for a marathon.  That seems to be why I jump between sixteen different subjects with no focus.  Because there is no greater end result, just finishing for finishings sake.  I was right in the “you need to look inward” part, but the path was never well described.  I think I know the first step, and the first step begins with “why”.  Until I can answer that question, the rest of this isn’t worth much effort.  I’ll probably continue doing what I’m doing to some extent, because I know this is not home and this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.   “This” being the job I currently work.  Or maybe I might.  I don’t know.  That needs to be figured out as well. 

Good talks inspire change.  Change is good.   

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