Thursday, September 26, 2013

library plan

The library project

So I’m used to not taking a lunch break and just working through.  I have decided that the time is better spent doing what I want to do, so I think I’m going to start what I call the library project.  A short period of intense learning on a daily basis, taking up part of my lunch hour.  The goal is pretty simple.  Take a finite amount of time and use it to learn something or grow as a person.  I’ve heard lots of stories and excuses from people as to why they can’t achieve their dreams.  And it really does shock me.  So what I’m looking at is something that is highly time constrained and structured, forced in during a period the average worker would have.  So long as you get a lunch break.

As for lunch, I usually take mine.  And I generally get an hour for lunch, so 30 minutes at the library should be enough time to both eat lunch and get some reading done.  The goal of this is self-improvement.   Now, here is how this works.  First, you need to find a library within your approved time frame.  If you have a three hour commute to get thirty feet, you are screwed.  I have a twenty minute commute, and work about five blocks from the downtown library.  So I’m close to where I need to be. 

Day one, which was today.
On day one, the goal is to simply learn the layout of the library.  Remember, you are under a time crunch so you don’t get to spend time talking to everyone and talking the grand tour.  Your best bet is to walk around and find the non-fiction stacks.  After finding those, just walk up and down the aisle, looking at book titles and noticing layouts.  Realize this: unless you have the library non-fiction marking system memorized, you are probably going to need to just look around for a while to find what you want.  But there are groupings, depending on your interest.

The goal of day one is just to get an idea of what is there, without making any choices on what subject to breach first.  You might not find what you are really looking for, or you might find a hundred things you’d like to read.  Pick subjects you might want to read, and write those down.  Once you have narrowed down the subject, you are ready for day two.

Day two
Find the subject area of the library that interests you.  After thirty minutes of wandering the place, you should have a vague idea where what you want might be located.  Once you find the area, flip through book covers until you think you’ve covered the area well.  Then, start looking for something to read.  Don’t bother finding a chair, because by the time you find a book the day will be over.  Remember, time crunch. 

Day three
Return to the area where you found your book, grab the sucker, and head for a chair.  Read as much as possible until you run out of time. 

That was the easy part.  Now, walk away and go back to work, thinking about what you have just read.  You now need to make a decision as to whether that book is worth continuing.  If you are bored after thirty minutes with the book, don’t bother trying to read any more.  Leave the book on the stacks and go find another book tomorrow. 

Remember, the goal here is rapidly finding and acquiring data in whatever manner you possibly can.  The faster you acquire information, the faster you can put that information to work. 

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