Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Camped out at a hospital for several hours, I realize that time is something that can just as easily be spent as used.  I wasn't prepared for this to distract myself from what was going on.  No entertainment downloaded.  Just a tv with cable and boredom all around.  So I find that I can download classes from iTunes U, and I should have been doing so all along.  But I never did.  And now I face a ridiculously slow hospital wireless network connection to download things I have plenty of time to watch.  And because I didn't have much of a plan, I'm writing this here using thumbs, and remembering my typing classes.  Sure, it's been twenty years since I took typing, but those thoughts still randomly come to mind.

The next morning.

iTunes U is pretty neat, and I think I’m liking it more and more since I’ve been playing with it.  It is an individual effort technology, though.  The information may be provided, but the end user still has to put in the effort to learn.  I’ve been spending my recent time with a networking class.  I’m convinced it will be more interesting once I make it past the introduction section and into the “meat and bones” of the subject. Given a larger screen size, iTunes U would be even better.  But I’m still just using my iPhone to view all this.  So tiny screen it is. 

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