Wednesday, September 18, 2013

network monitoring

I’m once again looking into network monitoring systems.  It’s something the company needs, but we really don’t have in any real manner.  The problem is that we don’t run Linux in any shape form or fashion, and I don’t have the time to learn Linux to learn how to install a network monitoring tool that only I’m going to be able to use and modify.  If the monitoring tool can’t be used, edited, and watched by everyone in the department, then it’s a waste of time.  A one person monitoring tool is a one person trip to more work than they want to do. 

Guess I’m going to have to find some time to write one.  I had a decent one written at one point, but the threading on the system didn’t work well, and nothing was kept historically.  That worked for a bit, but once again there was the “one person” monitoring and editing problem.  If the system can’t monitor anything historically, then what good is it?  A snapshot is only good when you’re sitting at your desk, and I rarely have time for that.  I’m honestly surprised I have time today to sit here, but then I’ve followed up and finished with the stuff I need to for today.  There are other projects but it is quitting time in 20 minutes and I don’t want to start something I’m not going to finish.  I find it easy to work late and hard to stop on time.   So I just don’t start anything new close to quitting time. 

And apparently, Microsoft Word doesn’t like my Texas use of contractions, even though they are English based.  Eh well.  Soon as we teach a computer to speak Texan, all will be right with the world.  Until then, I’ll keep looking for a decent network monitoring system.

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