Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Stories and Kindle

I started a new story today.  Not sure if this one is going to be long or short.  So far, it’s reached a page.  Part of me is screaming that I need a break from work, and the other part is telling me to shut up and get back to writing.

Just out of curiosity, I decided to look back at the previous sales I’d accumulated.  My royalties from Kindle Direct Publishing are sitting at a whopping $5.56.  And that is giving me some sort of strange hope.  Sure, it’s not a lot of hope.  But there is a bit of hope.  Because someone actually bought my book and I earned some chump change from it.  You can still buy it too.  

I should probably quit being lazy and get a picture for the cover.  Eh well.

But yeah.  I guess the motivation is there to finish this thing out.  I may not be making millions out there quite yet, but it’s better than working at a job you hate.  And I don’t necessarily hate my job, I’m just a bit tired of it and wanting something that provides more opportunity.  Because my goal right now is to learn as much as humanly possible, and keep slogging through work requests like a crazy man.  Because that’s what I can do to produce. 

Or, I can quit trying to learn every single thing in the world and start producing a steady stream of small little Kindle books that sell at $0.99 a pop and see what I can do to make a living off of that.  Because I’d much rather sit at my kitchen table and write books than I would go to work and deal with other peoples’ problems.

I did look at my situation a few weeks back and decide I wasn’t getting what I wanted out of life.  And it didn’t seem like it was going to change anytime soon.  So it’s now time to try a different approach, and that approach is an approach I tried before but never finished.  So what I need to do is finish two different stories I’ve been stalled on.  One is about an intergalactic space virus, and the other I just started.  Merge the two stories and sell them as a collection of shorts, and boom!  Profit!

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