Sunday, September 1, 2013

The project that ate my brain.

Finished an upgrade to the car wash/lube servers about 1 hour ago.   Since then, I’ve modified a router configuration, added half a dozen things to my to-do list, learned a spitting of knowledge about GeoVision DVR systems, and decided I need to quit working so much. 

I guess the question here is... what do you do when it’s time to let go and your mind won’t?   I really can’t answer that question, as I’m still here.  Perhaps it’s a false pretense to let go of work.  Assuming you like your work, that is…   If you don’t like your work, go find a job you like.  If you’re going to spend most of your waking hours dealing with it, you might as well like what you do.   

I may complain about my job here and there… about policy, and bad decisions, and any other stupid thing I can think to complain about.  But I love my job.  I work like a madman, but I get to go figure out some incredibly weird stuff and have a lot of “YES!” moments when dealing with equipment that just won’t cooperate.  That last post?  After the credit cards came up, I spent less than 20 minutes working on the gas pumps because everything worked.  So as soon as the credit cards worked properly, the entire thing was over.  Just because I wanted to fight about a receipt trailer and small problems generally indicate much large problems.

PROTIP: Fix all noticeable problems before moving on to the next problem.  They might be related.

Final note... I actually wrote this back on Tuesday.   Just never had a chance to finish.

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