Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where do we go from here?

During my reading, I’ve been contemplating the same thing over and over again.  Where do we go from here?  It’s a simple question, but it defines greatly what the end result and aim is.  It’s great to say how wonderful the future is, but from an IT perspective, I’ve got to build the future.  Really, I do. 

Let’s establish the problem: what happens when we grow to double the number of sites?  Does what we are doing scale well so that even though our site load has doubled, we can continue to do the same thing?  Our network infrastructure can grow to around 250 sites without much problem.  If we go more than that, we’ll have problems.  But the network infrastructure is good. 

We do backups horribly.  It’s all very reactive as opposed to proactive.  And there are other things as well.  But I hope I’ve given a good indicator of why I read all the time and study all the time.

Or I read and study all the time because I’m in over my head and I’m basically trying to learn it as fast as things get built, and the only way is to mindlessly slog forward day in and day out.  But I don’t like that idea, nor do I like being behind the eight ball all the time.  I’d rather get to the point where I’m guiding the direction of growth, not the other way around. We shall see.

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