Monday, September 2, 2013

Spinning Wheels

In some strange way, I think I’ve been thinking too much.  And I think that’s the problem here.  Too much thinking, and not enough doing.  Because all real growth is work.  And you can’t just think about what you have to do.  You have to go out and do it.  But I haven’t been.   I’ve been opting to sleep in, and enjoy myself.  A little folding of the hands for slumber, a little rest.   Too much rest.  Not enough action.

And I suppose this here is some sort of action, and so is reading books related to my work.  But is it the action I want?  Sure, in the long run that will get me more income, but is it the path I want to continue?

I had a discussion with a coworker on the way out of town about the problems we face as an IT department.  There’s a theory I have… you notify those people you either see as peers or those you see as superiors.  If a group is neither peer nor superior, then you don’t inform them of things that go on.  Because you don’t care or respect them.  And I think that’s the primary issue: respect. 

It’s the root cause of the problem, but it’s the problem no one is talking about or doing anything about.  See, it doesn’t matter what else is fixed because you don’t solve the primary problem.  If you don’t solve the root cause, then you don’t solve the problem. 

Now here’s the better question: am I just spinning my wheels at this job, preparing for something else because I seriously doubt they will change their utter lack of respect for the IT department.  So I guess the question then becomes: am I reading and doing the right thing to send me in the right direction for when I grow completely disgusted with the lack of respect?

Better question: what do I want to do?  Even better than the last question: how can I benefit others? 

How can I benefit others is the best question because that is what most entrepreneurs end up doing in order to grow empires.

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