Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Teachable moments

I’ve been writing another power point for a class on network structure.  It’s scheduled to be taught on Wednesday.  This is the second time I’ve written a class.  The first was on how to program at AT Systems safe.  AT Systems went out of business and was bought out by FireKing.  FireKing made a new version of the same safe, but it sucks.   So we didn’t buy it.  We went with something from Tidel.  

I put a lot of time and effort into writing the class on how to program that safe.  I even had a block of time assigned for teaching the class.   And no one was here to teach the class to.  So it makes me wonder if I’m wasting my time with this class.  Seems people want the information, but they won’t take the effort to show up and get the knowledge.  I don’t have any other classes currently scheduled.   And if no one shows up for this one, then I won’t spend the effort blocking out time for another class.  I’ve got other things to learn.

I have to admit going back and creating classes on this information gives me some knowledge on how all these devices work together.  It also codifies what I already know.  The problem is I already know this information without thinking.  I know how to reprogram a safe, and I build the network on any new store or remodel.  I know the information.

But not the others.  And that is what causes me to work like I do.  Because they don’t know, and won’t show up to learn.  Kind of disheartening.  But there isn’t much I can do about that.  You can’t control others.  You’ve just got to fire them and find people who are willing to work and learn.  Unfortunately, I don’t have that power or authority.

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